Church Window
$ 15.00
SKU: DBM20-0007
Contrary to myth, we dogs can see color. We are dichromats, meaning we see two colors: yellow and blue. Just like human red-green color blindness, So I can't fully appreciate this stained glass window, but I know it's important. I was told "Shhh."
I Love My Country
$ 19.00
SKU: DBM10-0011
Fireworks scare me. Parades do too. But I see your eyes mist when that flag goes by and I see you put your hand over your heart. I'm a perceptive pup, so I know that means love. And since I love you, I love what you love.
Key To My Heart - Enamel
$ 19.00
SKU: DBM10-0012
I know I'm your heart dog. You love many things and many people but I hold the key that unlocks your heart. I am the first thing you think of each day and the last thing too. I pretty much control your schedule.